Code Mash 2012

Jan 18, 2012

CodeMash was my first big conference and I can see why conferences are so popular. Besides the great time I had at the after parties, hanging out with friends, and meeting new people; I took a few things away from CodeMash that will effect how I write code in the near future.

Using tools to evaluate complexity of code is a great way to catch problem areas before they become problem areas. Saikuru looks like the front runner for me.

A lot of Rails developers hate Rails helpers. I think it’s because most people don’t organize them well, and just throw all helper methods in application helper. Jeff Casimir has a gem for extracting view logic into classes versus helpers Draper. I’m not sure that is a good fit for me, but it’s interesting and I’m curious where this type of thing is headed.

I should have went to me sessions that I knew nothing about. .NET, Java, etc.. Being that I read online a lot, most of the sessions were intro sessions that you can get from reading any one of many tutorials on a particular subject, like Node or Backbone.

I’m ready for January 2013!